Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Girl, Interrupted (Blog #8)

Answer the question below fully in minimum two paragraphs.

Susanna has no apparent reaction to Daisy's death, but after Torrey, another patient, is released into the custody of her neglectful parents, she has an episode of what her case report calls "depersonalization" [p.105] and mutilates her hands to see if "there are any bones in there" [p.103]. Why? What is she looking for underneath her skin? What is the effect of the graphic physicality of this chapter?

1 comment:

  1. This happened to Susanna because something triggered it. The fact that Torrey left and it was very likely she would get back to her old unhealthy habits was very upsetting to Susanna. Which triggered a psychotic episode for her. Under her skin she was looking for bones. She ended up cutting her hand open to look for them. The effect of all of this is she gets medicated and knocked out.
