Monday, January 13, 2014

Macbeth Blog #1

"Stars, hide your fires;
Let not light see my black and deep desires. 
The eye wink at the hand, yet let that be 
Which the eye fears, when it is done, to see."
(Act I Scene iv) Macbeth

 Analyze this quote. What symbols are used to show Macbeth's indecision to kill Duncan? Why is this passage significant to the play and the play's outcome?

2. What are the three reasons Macbeth should not kill Duncan according to Act I scene vi?

3. What is the symbolism of the dagger that appears to Macbeth? Where is it directing him? What is it telling him to do?

"I go and it is done. The bell invites me. 
Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell

That summons thee to heaven or to hell." 
(Act II scene i) Macbeth

What is the significance of the bell? What are the many different layers to this prop/sound?

5. Read Act II scene iii. What is the purpose of this scene? What is the purpose of the character the porter? What is revealed in this scene and how?

6. Predict the end of Act II. What do you think will happen to Macbeth and Lady Macbeth?


  1. 1. He looks at his hand and says he doesn't want to see his hand while he kills Duncan. This is significant because it shows that he has not fully agreed with the plan.
    2. He didn't do anything wrong, Macbeth is his "loyal" subject and he is in Macbeth"s home which is supposed to be a safe haven for Duncan.
    3. It symbolizes evil and greed but also that after he kills Duncan there is no turning back. The knife is turning against the voice of reason and tells him to kill Duncan.
    4. Bells symbolize the end of something. It can be used to signify the end of a ceremony at church or the end of a young Italian man named Tino making a pizza for a hungry customer in his uncle George's pizzeria.
    5. To show everyone's reactions to Duncan's death, to be comic relief, it is reveled that Malcolm and Donalbain flee from Scotland.
    6. Macbeth will not follow through with plan because he will be filled with grief and Lady Macbeth will get caught.

  2. Jonathan is showing off during homework cafe!
