Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Macbeth (Blog #2)

You are an experienced Shakespeare enthusiast. Criticize the modern rendition of Macbeth thus far. This about:
-suspense of disbelief (keeping the audience engaged in the action and believing what is on screen is really happening)
-the fact that movies can utilize various techniques live productions of theater cannot

Be sure to write as if you are a critic, but also keep in mind you are also writing for the internet, so keep it grammatically correct, but funny. Well-thought out answers and wit are both valued in your grade.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed that even though "Macbeth" is set in a completely different time period than the movie, the film kept the dialogue the same so it had the original Macbeth tone with a fresh new feel. A modern rendition of this classic tragedy sounds interesting but I don't believe the setting of this motion picture was a good tribute to the themes in the beginning of the play. That being said I did like how most character's personalities still shined through this change in setting. The characters that were an exception to this trend were the witches. I felt that having the witches pretend to be the captain's nurses as he was talking to Duncan, Lennox and Malcolm and proceeding to kill the Captain as everyone else exits the scene was not true to the characters or the story. After this they took out some glasses and put them on the pint of blood filling up from the dead Captain's heart they just ripped out, which is completely untrue and irrelevant to the play but was a surprisingly enjoyable comic relief to the circumstances at hand. I was quite intrigued when a few props in the film looked like they came straight out of my kitchen. I am fairly sure my mom bought the same knife set as the witch. I felt violated whilst one which was staring into my soul as she cleaned items from my house and saying. In terms of suspense of disbelief the only thing semi distracting from the unrealisticness of the movie was the pint of blood with glasses and that kind of collapsed on itself because I was focusing on how ridiculous it was. With casting I had no gripes except for the casting of Macbeth because I expected him to be younger and the witches because they weren't very good actresses and I perceived them to be old women. An important difference of movies to plays is that movies can edit the lighting in more ways than plays. The director obviously took this in to account because there are an extremely unnecessary amount of lens flares and it's not even star trek. In conclusion, "Macbeth" the movie was pretty fucking alright.
