Monday, January 13, 2014

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest: Blog #1

Read Chapter 25 and answer the following questions:

Use quotes to support your answers to the following questions.

 1. Evaluate the fishing trip overall. Is it therapeutic? Why or why not.

 2. What does Chief notice about McMurphy as they are on their way back from the trip? Why/how is this significant? 

3. Compare these two events. What do both show about McMurphy's character?

1 comment:

  1. 1. I think the trip was therapeutic in the sense that they got out and got to breathe and have a break. It may not have been therapy itself but this might have been better because it seemed like the Acutes and Chief really needed this trip.
    2. Chief notices that McMurphy laughs at the things that can hurt you. One has to be able to laugh at the negatives in life. He took that as a lesson from McMurphy.
    3. Both of these event help us get to know McMurphy. He is not just a drunk to likes to have sex and not let things hurt him, he's also sensitive and knows how to have fun and make the worst out of a bad situation. Such as being in a mental hospital, he was able to organize a trip and make the best out of it.
